1) Get the correct Distribution of metaslpoit framework from upon the distribution u are using, Windows or Linux.
2) Install the framework, but remember the followings
i) Disable your Antivirus while installing ; Otherwise it will delete certain files or format, which are updated as virus in your antivirus software by the vendor.
3)It has a nice documentation at :
, You can also save a copy of the PDF version from
4) To use metasploit you have to know the commands : use, show, set. These commands have following definitions:
Let us start with use : for using some exploit (use exploit_name), that can be viewed by the show command. After using a exploit what are the operation you can carry out can be vewied by the command show options. And the options can be set by the set command. So the following steps of commands will carry an succesfull attack.
> show exploits
a descriptions
b descriptions
>use a
>show payloads
x descriptions
y descriptions
>set PAYLOAD x
>show options
x descriptions
After you set all.
> exploit
So, I think i have tried to give something here to start with metasploit.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~All the best~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Nice tut.......
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